Case Study Archives
Accelerated strategic execution through enhanced board chair-CEO partnership
Board chair and CEO struggled to establish an effective partnership, impacting organizational performance and board effectiveness.
Rebuilt board credibility for industry-leading agribusiness
A decade of leadership instability and poor governance at industry-leading agribusiness led to declining performance and lost stakeholder trust.
Unlocked CEO’s strategic growth potential
Board and senior management grappled with guiding established business through simultaneous CEO succession and strategic redirection.
Reduced widespread organizational inefficiencies for an $800M Crown corporation
Crown corporation’s restructuring processes resulted in organizational inefficiencies, confusion, and poor communication.
Resolved harassment claims against the CEO of a multi-million-dollar child and family service organization
Multiple staff complained of being harassed by the CEO and feeling unsafe.
Aligned the organizational strategy for the board of a national mental health non-profit
The national board was misaligned on its organizational future.
Maintained market share and stakeholder relevance for Recycle BC
Leadership struggled to align and gain the support of their key stakeholders and partners.
Stabilized consistent staff turnover for Cowichan Valley Regional District
Municipality sought an optimized HR service delivery model to efficiently and effectively support internal clients.
Created strategic agility for the BC Non-Profit Housing Association
Leadership needed to balance affordable commercial insurance programs and financial viability.
Rectified financial inefficiencies for Bard on the Beach
Leadership was frustrated with financial inefficiencies and afraid of toppling an already fragile system.
Mitigated the risks of rapid growth for Archway
Board and senior management were concerned about their capacity to identify, manage, and respond to strategic and operational risks.
Recruited and developed an executive director for QMUNITY
Board lacked the capacity and experience to hire, onboard, and mentor a new executive director.