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"How do we support a CEO to help them succeed?"

Insights for you

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There's a solution for this...

Identify the root cause of the challenges faced by your organization’s Chief Executive and provide them with coaching to develop the skills they need to perform at their best.

Does this sound like you? If not, talk to us.

Board and governance transformation

Assess where your organization stands in its governance journey, celebrate your strengths, uncover opportunity areas, and align your board on how to increase its governance effectiveness.

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Board training

The alignment of your board determines the success of your organization. Board training blends governance theory with practical discussions and activities to ensure your board members are on the same page about how to show up for your business.

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Board chair and CEO partnership evaluation

Assess and strengthen the relationship between your board chair and CEO to create a better lever for increasing your board’s impact and value to your organization.

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CEO 360 evaluation

Enhance your leadership dynamics with a comprehensive CEO 360 evaluation designed to reflect, refine, and reinforce the performance and development of your organization's chief executive.

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Leadership coaching

Lay the foundation for a more successful organization by empowering your leaders with the tools and skills to manage their people, overcome obstacles, and navigate complex challenges.

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Organizational review

Accelerate your organization’s performance and boost its overall health with a thorough review to identify strengths and opportunities, define specific challenges, and make meaningful changes that help your business achieve its strategic vision.

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Strategic agility

Define and articulate a clear, dynamic strategy that aligns with your organization’s purpose and abides by its mission, vision, and values.

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Expert opinion

"Here’s a challenge: are you ready to make the leap from good governance to great governance? Good governance ensures you’re complying with rules and regulations. Great governance ensures you’re creating long-term value for your customers."

John Kay
Client solutions in strategy, governance, leadership, and finance

Expert opinion

"Is your board and management team doing the right things, or doing things right? Doing the right things means building an organization that excites customers, inspires employees and creates long-term value. Doing things right means you’re following a checklist of activities designed to ensure compliance. It’s not the playbook for an organization that drives constantly for gold-medal performance."

John Kay
Client solutions in strategy, governance, leadership, and finance

Expert opinion

"Good governance ensures your organization follows rules and regulations. Great governance creates an inspiring vision for your organization and a culture that drives and celebrates high performance. Great governance enables your organization to thrive in an ever-changing world."

John Kay
Client solutions in strategy, governance, leadership, and finance

Expert opinion

"A lot of what you’ve been told about governance is dead wrong. It’s not about adhering to rules and regulations. It’s about aligning your board and your management team to create long-term value for your customers and community partners."

John Kay
Client solutions in strategy, governance, leadership, and finance

Expert opinion

"The board chair and the CEO are the heart and lungs of any organization. Without a shared vision and an effective working relationship, your organization will flounder on life-support. It won’t be able to excite customers, inspire employees or make the tough decisions that will enable it to thrive in competitive markets in an ever-changing world."

John Kay
Client solutions in strategy, governance, leadership, and finance

Expert opinion

"Who leads your organization? The board chair? The CEO? The answer is both. In today’s rapidly changing environment, your organization depends on having your Board Chair and CEO work as trusted partners who are inspired to build long-term value for your customers and challenge your employees to perform like Olympic athletes."

John Kay
Client solutions in strategy, governance, leadership, and finance

Expert opinion

"It’s critical to build the strength of the relationship between the board and the CEO. Evaluating the CEO’s strengths and weaknesses allows both the leader and the board to build upon or mitigate where needed. It’s a very proactive tool that engages the front-line staff, management and executives, and allows for a lot of internal feedback."

Alison Marshall
Client solutions in strategy and leadership

Expert opinion

"Creating internal discussion amongst staff, managers, and the executive team creates a sense of safety that the organization’s most important business relationships are working out. It allows the team to feel that the board is competent and ensures that the leader is doing the right things, at the right time, in the right way."

Alison Marshall
Client solutions in strategy and leadership

Expert opinion

"Evaluating your CEO gives feedback to your board as well as the leader with respect to success and opportunities for growth. Tying and accessing performance against strategy or desired outcomes supports the organization in its goals, and a regular evaluation process shows appreciation and awareness for your leader’s efforts and provides a view into the impact they are making in your organization."

Michael Cook
Client solutions in technology and product innovation

Expert opinion

"It’s crucial for leaders to be able to see the forest for the trees when dealing with challenges or opportunities. In my experience, having an objective, knowledgeable expert to talk through the given situation has been instrumental in getting to the right solution."

Michael Cook
Client solutions in technology and product innovation

Expert opinion

"When you build strong leaders, teams become autonomous and deliver notable results. Leadership Coaching is tailored to individuals' unique strengths and weaknesses, so it fosters self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and skill enhancement. It’s the strategic investment in your people that creates the foundation for organizational excellence."

Lisa Zentner
Client solutions in marketing and branding

Expert opinion

"We’ve learned that organizations who get an outside perspective with time to reflect on what they’re doing, how, and why, can streamline and adapt their efforts in ways that strengthen their organization. It’s hard to do an audit yourself as there’s always reasons why something should be the way it is. If your organization was set up perfectly 8 years ago and hasn’t changed since, it’s likely not perfect anymore."

Alison Marshall
Client solutions in strategy and leadership

Expert opinion

"We take the pressure off of the CEO or executive manager, strip away the politics, and look at your organization holistically making changes easier to implement. We give you a blueprint of what you need to do each quarter complete with recommendations. And we’re always available if you need more help."

Alison Marshall
Client solutions in strategy and leadership

Expert opinion

"The importance of alignment on purpose, beginning at the highest level of your organization, cannot be understated. Focusing on strategic agility can unify your people behind a clear and convincing ‘why’, while giving your organization the flexibility it will need to address inevitable change. successfully."

Laurie Wilson
Client solutions in culture and risk management

Expert opinion

"Traditional strategic planning starts out so hopeful, but often ends in a static report that is out of date soon after it’s been finalized. Organizations that are able to incorporate agile philosophies and methodologies to their strategy and operations are better positioned to learn and adjust as needed to take advantage of opportunities and reduce risk."

Michael Cook
Client solutions in technology and product innovation

Let's talk

Tell us a little about yourself and what your company needs right now. We’ve got ideas, inspiration and success stories that can help.
