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"How can I prepare my Board to thrive in a complex, rapidly changing world?"

Insights for you

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There's a solution for this...

Get deep insights into the factors that determine your board’s success or failure, including its collective skills, knowledge, experience, human dynamics, and understanding of your organization.

Does this sound like you? If not, talk to us.

Board training

The alignment of your board determines the success of your organization. Board training blends governance theory with practical discussions and activities to ensure your board members are on the same page about how to show up for your business.

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Board and governance transformation

Assess where your organization stands in its governance journey, celebrate your strengths, uncover opportunity areas, and align your board on how to increase its governance effectiveness.

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Board chair and CEO partnership evaluation

Assess and strengthen the relationship between your board chair and CEO to create a better lever for increasing your board’s impact and value to your organization.

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Related success stories

Discover and learn from real-world client challenges, solutions, and successes with our comprehensive collection of case studies.

Expert opinion

"Good governance ensures your organization follows rules and regulations. Great governance creates an inspiring vision for your organization and a culture that drives and celebrates high performance. Great governance enables your organization to thrive in an ever-changing world."

John Kay
Client solutions in strategy, governance, leadership, and finance

Expert opinion

"A lot of what you’ve been told about governance is dead wrong. It’s not about adhering to rules and regulations. It’s about aligning your board and your management team to create long-term value for your customers and community partners."

John Kay
Client solutions in strategy, governance, leadership, and finance

Expert opinion

"Here’s a challenge: are you ready to make the leap from good governance to great governance? Good governance ensures you’re complying with rules and regulations. Great governance ensures you’re creating long-term value for your customers."

John Kay
Client solutions in strategy, governance, leadership, and finance

Expert opinion

"Is your board and management team doing the right things, or doing things right? Doing the right things means building an organization that excites customers, inspires employees and creates long-term value. Doing things right means you’re following a checklist of activities designed to ensure compliance. It’s not the playbook for an organization that drives constantly for gold-medal performance."

John Kay
Client solutions in strategy, governance, leadership, and finance

Expert opinion

"The board chair and the CEO are the heart and lungs of any organization. Without a shared vision and an effective working relationship, your organization will flounder on life-support. It won’t be able to excite customers, inspire employees or make the tough decisions that will enable it to thrive in competitive markets in an ever-changing world."

John Kay
Client solutions in strategy, governance, leadership, and finance

Expert opinion

"Who leads your organization? The board chair? The CEO? The answer is both. In today’s rapidly changing environment, your organization depends on having your Board Chair and CEO work as trusted partners who are inspired to build long-term value for your customers and challenge your employees to perform like Olympic athletes."

John Kay
Client solutions in strategy, governance, leadership, and finance

Let's talk

Tell us a little about yourself and what your company needs right now. We’ve got ideas, inspiration and success stories that can help.
