Category Archives: Uncategorized
Global Alliance For Banking On Values Summit – Reflections
If I had gone to school just fifty years ago, I would have been hard-pressed to pursue my degree in International Relations. Combining Economics with Politics and History to prepare someone for their professional life was unheard of until recently. But, with the rise in technology and an increase in public awareness of what isContinue reading “Global Alliance For Banking On Values Summit – Reflections”
WEFORSHE Conference: Advancing Equality in Canadian Workplaces
Two-hundred and seventeen. That’s the number of years it would take Canada to reach workplace gender equality continuing at its the current pace of change. Despite being one of the most progressive nations in the world, Canada still has a long way to go. As a response to this gap in gender equality, UN WomenContinue reading “WEFORSHE Conference: Advancing Equality in Canadian Workplaces”