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"How do we stay ahead with rising input costs, labour and supply chain challenges?"

Insights for you

Read through our team's viewpoints, explore our expertise, and tap into value-driven insights designed to help you shape and navigate the future of your organization.

There's a solution for this...

Conduct introspective analyses of your organization, operations, people, and roles, identify opportunity areas, and plot the most direct path to your business’s desired outcome.

Does this sound like you? If not, talk to us.

Strengths-based coaching

Improve the performance of individuals and teams, resolve recruitment and retention challenges, and overcome leadership and team dynamics issues by focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses.

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Organizational review

Accelerate your organization’s performance and boost its overall health with a thorough review to identify strengths and opportunities, define specific challenges, and make meaningful changes that help your business achieve its strategic vision.

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Strategic agility

Define and articulate a clear, dynamic strategy that aligns with your organization’s purpose and abides by its mission, vision, and values.

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Expert opinion

"Strengths-based coaching is a useful tool in developing your leadership. With an enhanced understanding of your strengths (e.g., how you work and think, and what motivates you), you can better direct your own development and the development of your teams. By concentrating on what you do well, you can learn the best path to effective influencing and decision-making."

Laurie Wilson
Client solutions in culture and risk management

Expert opinion

"Strengths-based coaching can give your organization the ability to take a strategic approach to team-building, allowing leadership the ability to set individuals up for roles and projects that fall naturally into their areas of strength, as well as giving an indication of where supports may be needed."

Laurie Wilson
Client solutions in culture and risk management

Expert opinion

"Strengths-Based Coaching provides insights that can inform personalized onboarding and development plans. Its focus and methodology identifies strengths rather than weaknesses, leading to increased feelings of empowerment and responsibility. With the results, your organization will be in a greater position to foster a more engaging and productive work environment and to turbo-charge internal relationships."

Laurie Wilson
Client solutions in culture and risk management

Expert opinion

"Our clients have found most value in the ability of Strengths-Based Coaching to facilitate professional self-development, often leading to improvement in an individual’s morale, as well as in the shared language and understanding strengths-based coaching provides a team, enabling better communication and collaboration."

Laurie Wilson
Client solutions in culture and risk management

Expert opinion

"We’ve learned that organizations who get an outside perspective with time to reflect on what they’re doing, how, and why, can streamline and adapt their efforts in ways that strengthen their organization. It’s hard to do an audit yourself as there’s always reasons why something should be the way it is. If your organization was set up perfectly 8 years ago and hasn’t changed since, it’s likely not perfect anymore."

Alison Marshall
Client solutions in strategy and leadership

Expert opinion

"We take the pressure off of the CEO or executive manager, strip away the politics, and look at your organization holistically making changes easier to implement. We give you a blueprint of what you need to do each quarter complete with recommendations. And we’re always available if you need more help."

Alison Marshall
Client solutions in strategy and leadership

Expert opinion

"The importance of alignment on purpose, beginning at the highest level of your organization, cannot be understated. Focusing on strategic agility can unify your people behind a clear and convincing ‘why’, while giving your organization the flexibility it will need to address inevitable change. successfully."

Laurie Wilson
Client solutions in culture and risk management

Expert opinion

"Traditional strategic planning starts out so hopeful, but often ends in a static report that is out of date soon after it’s been finalized. Organizations that are able to incorporate agile philosophies and methodologies to their strategy and operations are better positioned to learn and adjust as needed to take advantage of opportunities and reduce risk."

Michael Cook
Client solutions in technology and product innovation

Let's talk

Tell us a little about yourself and what your company needs right now. We’ve got ideas, inspiration and success stories that can help.
