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Exclusive Resource: Mastering Organizational Change: An Executive’s Guide to Effective Transformation

Published on September 12, 2024

Change is an inevitable fact in life and business. Whether it’s a change in strategic direction, leadership change, operational mergers, or changing IT systems, everyone has experienced at least one major change organizational change as either a leader or employee.

In fact, an average organization today has gone through five major firmwide changes in the past three years — and nearly 75% expect to multiply the types of major change initiatives they will undertake in the next three years. Leading and implementing a successful organizational change is a challenge all executives must be prepared to undertake.

Organizational transformations – doomed to failure?

Despite how common major organizational change initiatives are, an overwhelming majority of these initiatives fail. In fact, studies have shown that 78% of corporate transformations fail. Why is that?

At its heart, change management involves balancing the technical and human sides of change. When approaching change, many leaders only think of the systems, tools, processes, and structures that are being updated and forget about the people side of change.

In order for your organizational change to be successful, you as a leader must prepare, equip, and support your people throughout the process to ensure people want to, and can adopt the changes. Without adoption from the organization’s people, change cannot be successful.

Mastering Organizational Change: An Executive’s Guide to Effective Transformation

In our ebook Mastering Organizational Change: An Executive’s Guide to Effective Transformation, we explore what is effective change management, the top 5 challenges that can make your organizational change fail, and practical change management strategies all leaders should use to successfully implement organizational change.

Download our ebook Mastering Organizational Change: An Executive’s Guide to Effective Transformation for free in the link below!

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